- Read Novel Online Free

Are you looking to read novel online at no cost? Or are you subscribing to a paid reading service already but in hopes of saving up? Or are you feeling unsafe on the current free novel site? If you can relate to any of these questions, you will find the solution here, on

If you search about Reading novel on Google, one of the first autocomplete predictions is “Why novel is so expensive?”. Yes, not everyone can afford to read their favorite novel online and is created to change it. We are here to make sure all novel lovers can have access to their novel of interest. And that is why is free and safe.

Where To Read Novel For Free? is created in hopes that every novel fan can get to read novel without paying a dime, this site is completely free of charge. To read novel online for free, all you need to do is to visit, search for the novel you want to watch, and enjoy reading it at no cost and with no risk.

What Is has one of the largest databases of novel covering all genres and subgenres with numerous topics and themes. Apart from an extensive content library, also provides free users with premium quality features that might be costly elsewhere.

Reading novel online for free on is as easy as searching on Google. All you need to do is to visit the site link, use the search bar to look for the novel of interest, click the Start Reading button and you are all set. There is no limit applied; therefore, you can enjoy as much novel as you wish without any worries. Here is a detailed list of the features provided for free on the site:

  • Free of charge.
  • Safe to use.
  • Various genres and subgenres.
  • High-quality scans.
  • Anti-overload with back-up server.
  • Fast content updates.
  • Surpass Geo-restrictions.
  • Easy and simple UI & UX.
  • Sharable content on all your socials.
  • Syncs content across PCs and mobile devices.
  • Unlimited reading service available.
  • Themes changing as you wish between dark and light.
  • Best customer service.

Is Safe To Read Novel Online?

Reading novel is a time-consuming hobby and it should only be done on a safe and secure site. We are dedicated to bringing you a risk-free reading experience. By reading novel on, you can avoid the risk of serious headaches such as data loss, identity theft, corrupted networks, etc. does not require any registration or signup, meaning that users are not obliged to provide their information such as full name, email address, credit card details, etc to have full access to the site’s content library and features. With no information shared, there will be no information leaked, and your identity will also be kept safe. To sum it up, is the best and safest novel site that every novel lover should check out.

Future Plans for

Currently, as per our observation for most of functions of site, we have optimal state to fit mainly your read light novel experience. Therefore, in the near future, there will not be many changes in the site's function. We do really want to focus more on the novel quality and/or quantity than shiny things that not many people want to use or to be distracted from reading novels.

Yet, we plan and are working to make good chat system for our readers to have a place to discuss their joy, thoughts, ideas, etc. about the novel they are reading with other friends or readers. Implemented a good chat system while maintain nice and fast read light novel experience take time. So, please stay tuned and keep coming back to our site for your favorite novels. When it comes, it comes.

Again, Thank you for your support by reading novels at!