Chapter 23 - Beggar Princess

✧ Beggar Princess✧


“It has been quite some time, Bastian,” Madame Sabine greeted with a warm smile that illuminated her face like a star lit sky. “Your aunt’s message was a delightful surprise, and I must say, I am honored to be in your presence once again.”

Bastian, filled with delight, embraced her without a moment’s hesitation.  “Your kindness knows no bounds, Madam Sabine,” He expressed with gratitude. “I cannot express enough how thankful I am for your gracious assistance.”

“Fear not, my dear Bastian,” Madame Sabine exclaimed, giving him a fleeting peck on the cheek. “Maria’s nephew is as much my own as blood could make him.” And with that, she turned her gaze upon Lady Odette, who stood a pace behind Bastian.

 “A thousand welcomes, Lady Odette,” she said joyously, her eyes beaming with warmth. “It is a privilege to extend my hospitality and offer my services to one so fair and refined.” A brilliant smile illuminated her features, banishing any traces of coolness that may have momentarily gripped her countenance.

Madame Sabine greeted Bastian and Odette with grace and then led them to the reception hall at the back of the mansion. It was there that an array of beautiful garments and fabrics were elegantly displayed, their vibrant colors and textures beckoning to be admired. As Odette stepped inside, she was struck by the full extent of the grandeur that surrounded her, realizing only then the magnitude of the situation she was in.

“Should we start with the fittings and work our way up to the intricate details of design?” Madame Sabine inquired with a tone both extremely polite and purposeful.

“Forgive me, Madam Sabine,” Odette stammered, coming to a halt with an apologetic smile. “It seems there has been a misunderstanding. I did not come here with the intent of having my garments altered. I simply believed this to be a place where one might pay their respects to the Captain’s acquaintance.”

“Pardon me, could you grant us a brief intermission?” Bastian interjected Odette’s speech with a polite request, to which, Madam Sabine cheerfully agreed with a nod, 

“Take your time, I’ll be here. Just give me a signal when you’re done.” She lightly touched Bastian’s shoulder before departing with the team.

The reception area was pin drop silent when the door was shut from the outside with just the two of them inside.

“That was extremely disrespectful.” Odette broke the silence by speaking first, voluntarily. With that, Bastian turned his head to see her sassy face.

“Lady Odette, it seems to me that this is something for which to be grateful, not criticized.”

“Grateful? I’m sorry.” Odette retorted with a question in an utter shock. She put on a brave face, but her quivering eyes gave away her unease.

“Unfortunately, this establishment is fully booked until the spring,” Bastian informed her, “It’s only thanks to my aunt’s close friendship with Madam Sabine that we were granted this rare opportunity.”

 “No matter how enchanting this place may be, I have no interest in accepting gifts from the captain. The notion of being compelled into receiving something is…simply inedible.” Odette replied, her voice tinged with a hint of distaste.

“A gift. Do you really believe I’m going to all this trouble to give you a gift?”  Bastian’s calm, solemn voice erupted with emotion like a lava for the first time. Even the barest amount of decency was destroyed by the scathing mockery he brutally displayed.

Odette was struck with speechlessness as she remained still, her eyes as big and round as saucers. While looking across at the seat in front of him, Bastian gently turned around and sat back down on the plush hospitality sofa. Odette resisted Bastian’s arrogant request by remaining motionless.

Bastian lifted the crystal glass from the table while cocking his head in a show of disdain. The sound of the translucent glass striking the ice reverberated throughout the space.

“I have no interest in trifling possessions,” Bastian declared, wetting his lips with a sip of icy whiskey soda. He leisurely crossed his legs, the bright light glinting off his highly polished shoes, piercing Odette’s hazy gaze. “I demand nothing but the finest for myself, the priciest, the most luxurious, always. And, of course, Lady Odette is included in this standard.”

“What’s the point when I’m nothing but a charade?” Odette spat out, the sting of the captain’s words still fresh in her mind. “You said that the entire event is just a prologue to Princess Isabelle’s wedding.” 

Despite the cruel insult, Odette held her composure, her eyes flashing with righteous anger. Her heart was her sanctum, and she wouldn’t let that unrepentant man sully it. It was the one shred of dignity she had managed to cling to, and she wouldn’t surrender it to him, this easily.

“So, let me get this straight, you’re saying that this decision to move forward with the marriage proposal was made with the awareness of the potential for rumors and damage to one’s reputation, correct?” 

“I couldn’t care less about the honor and dignity of a gentleman.” Bastian said, taking a sip of his whiskey soda. “So, you take pride in your noble ancestry, but for me it’s all about the dough.” He pulled out a handkerchief from his jacket pocket and dabbed at the sweat on his fingers. “But, tell me, how do you think this will affect my standing in society? I mean, the whole world will soon know you as my bride. What if they discover that you don’t even own a single piece of respectable clothing?”

Odette’s eyes narrowed. “I see your point. But when I go to official events, I always make sure to dress appropriately. And I fully want to keep doing so.”

“Your attire is always a reflection of your grace and poise, Lady Odette,” Bastian said as he delicately placed the used handkerchief on the table.  “And I know that you will continue to do so with the same elegance and impeccable style. I admire your commitment.” He gazed up at her, taking in the sight of her pallid complexion, the glistening of unshed tears in her eyes, and the unwavering resolve etched on her features.

“Allow me to be candid.” Bastian said, his brow furrowed as he regarded her unkempt appearance. “The outcome of our previous endeavors was far from satisfactory. And I must admit, I have no interest in being associated with the title that precedes your name. It’s a task, not a privilege. I believe that paints a clearer picture, wouldn’t you agree?”

He sighed, the memory of her father’s avaricious motives clouding his thoughts. But he supposed that’s the reality of the situation. The notion of a beggar princess and her scheming father trying to extort money from him, it’s all rather disenchanting.

Lady Odette’s life was a tangled mess, much more so than Bastian had initially perceived. As the truth dawned on him, a glimmer of self-reproach crossed his face. He had been tasked with caring for this woman, but he had underestimated the extent of her troubles.

But Bastian was not one to be deterred by a challenge. The realization only strengthened his resolve. He would have preferred to pay the price for betraying the emperor, but he had no regrets about his decision. It was a choice he had made, and he would not let it tarnish his honor.

Bastian went out to find a solution since he was determined to make things right. He was certain that he possessed the tools necessary to remove the stain from his dignity and redeem his reputation. He was eager to get through this narrow setback because it was only temporary.

Odette lifted her gaze after a prolonged examination of the worn tips of her shoes. Her eyes, now devoid of tears but rimmed with red, met Bastian’s. The oddity of her youthful visage contrasted with the aura of despair that surrounded her was striking, especially given her lack of cosmetics.

“Is it not something we must both endure and comprehend?” she said, her voice tinged with resignation.

“Forgive me, but I too detest that moniker that belittles the captain,” Odette said, her tone motherly as she scolded Bastian. A slight smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he regarded her stern expression. Despite the gravity of the moment, she possessed an unexpected wit that never failed to bring a smile to his face.

“I kept my dislike for it concealed because I believed it was my duty in my role,” she continued. “I hope the captain can exhibit a similar sense of decorum.”

“The grandson of a junk dealer, I suppose there’s not much I can do about it. But with Lady Odette, isn’t it different?” Bastian lifted his shoulders in a nonchalant shrug. “Let’s focus on solving the problems that can be solved. There’s no use in lamenting over what’s out of reach.”

With a graceful gait for someone of his size and build, Bastian rose from his seat and approached Odette. “I will fulfill my duty and Lady Odette will fulfill hers. Nothing more to it,” he stated firmly.

Odette stiffened at his words, unable to offer a retort. But Bastian seemed unfazed by her silence, as if it didn’t matter.

“Bow low when you must, for that is true honor,” Bastian proclaimed, spinning around to face Odette. Despite her efforts to mask it, disdain was written all over her face. She clung onto the remnants of her dignity, refusing to let it crumble and run away in that moment. As she struggled to regain her composure, Bastian summoned the staff outside the waiting room with a wave of his hand. Sᴇaʀᴄh the NƟvelFɪre.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

“Pardon the disruption,” Bastian gracefully acknowledged, as he settled back into his plush sofa. Odette remained in place, observing the dream-like scene unfold. With leisure, Bastian delved into his horse racing magazine, while the staff bustled with activity. 

The stage was set, and the doll play began.


As Odette stepped onto the podium, the light from the chandelier above danced upon her form, illuminating her delicate frame swathed in a sheer muslin gown. The assistants holding the tape measure were struck by her beauty, as they had already known she was a pretty woman, but the reality exceeded their expectations.

Madame Sabine, the grand couture herself, stepped back with a sense of awe, surveying the scene before her. Odette’s statuesque figure was a sight to behold, with her slender curves and clear skin captivating those around her. Her upright posture only added to her natural allure, a sight that could drive any man to madness.

Social elites, renowned performers, and influential mistresses would barter their riches and reputation for a mere glimpse of true beauty. Madam Sabine, a seasoned tailor to the most illustrious women in the empire, had beheld many a fair damsel in her time.

 However, Odette’s impeccable visage and elegant poise stood out amidst the sea of beauty. The tailor, armed with her tape measure, marveled at the harmonious proportions she called out, while an attendant meticulously recorded each number with reverence. 

Odette, a humble woman of modest means, astounded them all with her quiet grace and cooperative spirit, defying all expectations. Her poised demeanor was a testament to the true essence of beauty, surpassing even the greatest treasures of wealth and power.

“The final stitch has been made.” The tailor’s voice echoed through the tranquil room, breaking the hush. 

“Gracious thanks.” Odette rises with elegant poise, ready to return to the changing room. Madam Sabine nods with a pleased grin, fully comprehending the captivating charm that is Odette. Her every movement only adds to her already breathtaking beauty, illuminating why Bastian is so smitten.

Odette appeared once again, her tattered attire a stark contrast to the opulence of the room. Impatient, Madame Sabine whisked her into the reception room, eager to begin the next phase of their plan.

Bastian sat in the same wing chair, magazine in hand, as the duo entered the room. With a flick of her wrist, Madame Sabine summoned a team of assistants carrying bolts of luxurious fabrics. Bastian closed his magazine, fixing his attention on the women.

“Now, let’s delve into the details,” Madame Sabine said, her voice ringing with excitement. Maria Gross had expressed her concerns about Bastian’s true intentions, but Madame Sabine was confident in her ability to gauge a man’s character through his expenditures. Decades of running a dress shop had honed her skills to a fine science.

She was certain that the money a man spent on a woman was a clear indication of his intentions. And she was eager to uncover the truth behind Bastian’s actions.

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