Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

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Cang Ming, 凔溟





Original Language:

Chinese Novel


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Despite getting along well with his difficult stepmother and earning the admiration of his sisters, he never expected married life with the prince to be so challenging.

He used to work as a doctor but passed away due to an accident. To his surprise, he was reborn into a completely different world.

In his new life, he became a wealthy young man and had a chance encounter with the prince, who was escaping his royal duties. The prince’s seemingly cold demeanor but kind hearted nature deeply intrigued him. He made it his mission to help the prince heal his legs, which were injured during the war, and couldn’t help but hope for a romantic relationship to blossom between them.

Eventually, his wish came true and he married the prince, but navigating the challenges posed by his difficult stepmother and sisters paled in comparison to the difficulties he faced as the prince’s spouse.

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Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough! – C262
C262 - Pay Your Debts with You for the Rest of Our LifeBack in Suzhou, Zhao Sanlang saw the two hundred thousand fully prepared army and was tempted. If he took the opportunity to subdue the Northern Barbarians, their territory would expand, but the Great Tang had just regained its vitality. If this battle did not end quickly and the civilians submitted, their finances would definitely be dragged down.
Despite getting along well with his difficult stepmother and earning the admiration of his sisters, he never expected married life with the prince to be so challenging.

He used to work as a doctor but passed away due to an accident. To his surprise, he was reborn into a completely different world.

In his new life, he became a wealthy young man and had a chance encounter with the prince, who was escaping his royal duties. The prince’s seemingly cold demeanor but kind hearted nature deeply intrigued him. He made it his mission to help the prince heal his legs, which were injured during the war, and couldn’t help but hope for a romantic relationship to blossom between them.

Eventually, his wish came true and he married the prince, but navigating the challenges posed by his difficult stepmother and sisters paled in comparison to the difficulties he faced as the prince’s spouse.

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