Bonded Summoner
Book 5 - Interlude 8 - Nessa - Goals for Justice and Love

Nessa dipped into the lake within her Refuge, a feeling of victory and satisfaction filling her as she returned to her cold home. The frigid lake Qi was absorbed rapidly, filling her thirsty dantian.

She cycled her Frostlake Purification technique, drawing in the energy from her lake, and combining it from her recent Rift clear. With this, she should reach level 22. She could just rest in her wonderfully enhanced lake filled to the brim with Frigid Lake Qi, and in a few months she just might reach the next Tier.

Of course, that wasn’t what she would do. But she loved the idea that she could stay in her peaceful lake, and become stronger at the same time.

Her familiar insisted she spend all her Raid Points on this item to improve her Refuge’s lake, and she couldn’t help but feel it was one of the best choices she’d ever made.

The bloodline familiar scoffed. [That Framework thing is definitely cheating. It is difficult to comprehend how it can provide such pure heavenly energy for you to absorb so perfectly for defeating an enemy, but its results speak for itself. There’s absolutely no way your Foundations would be so solid in such a short time otherwise.]

Nessa had won the Prime Instance with her guild and some new allies, earning her ownership over the world. The world had done so well in its performance, that it would nearly reach the second Tier. Just a few more years and perhaps with some additional spending, it would reach the second.

Then, she had really caught Avaron in his betrayal. She had submitted his breaking of the accords with illegal means, and his guild’s wrongdoings through her five members the moment she got out of the Prime Instance. Sanctions against his higher-Tier guild would be placed, and not just an individual subguild.

Of course, his dear old daddy would keep him from earning the punishment he deserved–True Death, but as a result, these jerks had just taken a major hit.

His operations on several worlds would be hampered, and now, numerous of his initiated war games would be cancelled–as losses, forced to pay damages. The extortion and blackmail of thousands would be stopped, until he found a way to overcome his restrictions–likely, he’d replace the restricted subguilds with others.

Her guild was given a special immunity for a short time, unless they proved a proper infringement on her part–something that would never happen.

Thanks to her reports, his people weren’t even allowed on dozens of worlds. There were still some subguilds and unlinked ones able to move about in the sector as they separate their involvement, there was no doubt about that, but their ability to harass others had just taken a major hit.

Since that day, she had moved onto the next world, and continued growing her guild. Success truly bred success, as allies were being quickly gathered. She had built a powerful reputation thanks to her victory, and it seemed her not backing down against Avaron was a big part of that.

This time, she spent extra effort in ensuring her people were ironclad–for anything that mattered, that was.

Ripples on her lake arrived, surprising her. This was in her Refuge, so that meant–it was their contact.

Her ancestor hummed, cycling Nessa’s Qi on her behalf to receive the communication. The water somewhat bulged in front of Nessa.

[Do be a dear and grab a fresh information crystal. It looks like there is a lot of information forthcoming.]

Doing as she was bidden, she frowned. This must be a major communication–just how could her Father get away with sending so much?

This was just another reason she had for being extremely thankful for her bloodline ancestor, able to manage this type of communication. Being a cultivator on the edge of the Framework’s influence had its perks.

There was a bit of mirth in her familiar’s voice, [It looks like there is much good news! You will like this. I’m not sure where to start.]

“Did father have a message for me?”

She felt a mental eye roll, [You’re such a daddy’s girl. Yes, he was extremely proud of your success. He wished he were able to see you personally and give you better resources, but you did excellently with what was available to you. Trapping Avaron made them pay heavily, and with some of Tyr’s plans coming up, things couldn’t be better. It appears Hestia’s Champion had really stirred something up too, scoring a major blow that will work well with yours.]

He did? What happened?”

[It appears that a loosely connected guild of Ares, Loki, and Hermes also screwed up. They broke several rules with dozens of their members, on a world that was spiraling to its doom. As usual, their rule breaking would have gone unpunished, the world falling to the enemy. But Hestia’s Champion came and rescued it from two HQ losses, and he’s reported it. The council met, and he had them dead to rights. It looks like that was hardly the only infringement, and they are being looked into deeply–just like your situation. With his efforts, it was two major blows at once.]

Nessa hummed. “Was he not threatened?”

[He was threatened, it appears. But he and his guild didn’t back down. Several War Games were declared against his guild, Hearthtribe, already.]

Nessa was skeptical. “It’s one thing to say you won’t bend. But when it comes down to facing this type of challenge, his people will also be the ones to struggle and suffer. They must be strong as well, or everything will buckle under the pressure.”

Her familiar chuckled. [As you might know, he’s a sector native. It seems he’s invested in his people heavily. Not only are they numerous, but they all have excellent equipment and training. In the few skirmishes at headquarters witnessed–they not only came out on top, but they crushed the opposition with superior talent and skill. It’s a little early, but it appears that they are quite the elite, organized force. I think there’s much to learn from what they’re doing.]

Nessa frowned. Being from a Core Sector, much of her knowledge was restricted from use. To participate in a Frontier Sector meant to follow a strict balance of the meta game, a controlled progression of research and technology.

It was how the game, the contest, was played. Frontier Sectors were battled for like the rounds of a new match, requiring those that participated to re-earn and learn their knowledge and technology from scratch.

Her being from a core sector was both a blessing and a curse. As much as she wanted to write a book containing perfect builds and the methods to progress her people or gather her advisors and tell them how to prepare natives for a perfect or near-perfect fighting force, she was not allowed.

Because she was from a core sector, the only thing she could do was guide them using her guild’s doctrine to align their behaviors with rewards.

Her best bet was to instruct her advisors to copy this Hearthtribe in every way they could and just hope for the best once she rose up, hoping they followed her guidance.

[Didn’t you say these guilds were secretive? That each was like an island or tower, coveting and hiding their secrets from all outsiders?]

“We’ll just have to learn what we can. Every so often, the behaviors are just as useful as any research or technology. The Einherjar commit to a warrior culture, and some of our lovely allies a more mercenary one. Since he’s Hestia’s Champion, I’m sure his guild will be friendly to ours, at the very least.”

[You might be right. Ah, that reminds me. Included in the information was a visual recording. I have to say, this Hestia’s Champion and his mates are not bad. He’s not really my type, but–]

Nessa groaned. “Yes, he likely lacks miles and miles of snake coils to wrap you up all tight, huh? You were whining about me being picky, but if I was as picky as you, then I wouldn’t have a mate until the third or fourth Tier.” Her voice became eager, “How do I view this?”

Her familiar’s voice was a bit irritated. [Hmph. Now I’m not so sure if I want to help you. I consented to being plucked out of the River of Samsara and becoming a familiar to help a young descendant find her way. I was a Nascent Soul cultivator when I died, and I might have failed to ascend, but I didn’t accept being bound to this strange form to be kink shamed–]

Nessa pleaded, “Please, Nana? You’re absolutely right. I’m sorry–you are certainly worthy of my respect. Your outlook on men is just so…different, to me.”

Her ancestor paused, before her voice sounded hurt, [You only call me that when you want something from me, granddaughter. I asked you to use it all the time, but you avoid it, even in your thoughts. Don’t think I don’t notice that.]

Nessa blushed–their connection was too weird, she didn’t think she could ever get used to having this other entity rooted in her mind. “Fine, Nana, I promise. It was also just strange to me, I’ve only ever seen mother in her human form, and she never seemed all that… serpent-like. It felt odd to call an ancient serpent Nana. I’ll… try to see it differently. You’re a great Nana, and you know I mean that.”

Nana seemed all too pleased with herself. As always, Nessa’s words were the truth. [Good, one should always respect their elders. Now, follow my guidance, as you infuse the crystal with Qi. Then…]

Following her direction, she eventually began viewing the recording. It showed a man and four women as they arrived at a party. It seemed this was the one that occurred while she was busy winning over this world–if she had completed it sooner, she just might have been able to join.

Nessa frowned. “How did that lamia change her appearance, these are mental projections, right? What a strange outfit, a snake dog? Then, she argued with herself, before changing it back.”

Nana chuckled. [She’s a weird one, huh? They’re just projections, so I can’t tell, but either she has mental problems, or she just might be a twin-souled. Either way, that descendant of Echidna is very interesting. I’d love to meet her, she looks like loads of fun.]

Looking at the man, Nessa understood he was Hestia’s Champion, and the one her father had tried to set her up with as partners.

This was merely a recording and the man a projection in the first place, so his Presence wasn’t really being shown, and she couldn’t use her trait to see his true reflection.

Still, he had a warrior’s body and was well-built. Despite being a summoner, she could see that there was no way he skimped on physical training. Everything about him seemed to scream that he was from a Core Sector–a Tier 5 or above world.

Divine and Demigods and their descendants were commonplace on these worlds, and they could forge and mold their children into their image–a vision of perfection.

But what made her more interested in him was his gaze. Despite much of the flesh on display, Nessa noticed he was far more interested in his own women’s bodies, wearing Hestia’s chosen outfits.

Even the goddesses known for their beauty, he only seemed interested in speaking and meeting with them, rather than capturing their favor.

The covetous gaze was missing, and he focused on his lover’s interests over his own. Then in his interactions, he appeared to be a humble hero, and this was much different from the nordic warriors she was used to.

Of course, these were all minor things. It was normal for a man to have desires, and it was completely unreasonable to expect them to not have it. However, something about her bloodline really desired this purity, and then her divine trait nearly required this. Her father claimed the man was passable, so that made her even more interested.

[Hmm, I didn’t notice that about his gaze and their flesh, all these humans and their ilk appear similar to me. Is that a good thing, or is that just a weird thing you’re into? He has won many points in my book, because of his mates alone. Just knowing he courts a dragon would be enough for me. Anyway, I think the interesting part son-in-law wanted to show you is next.]

Hestia’s Champion spoke with her father, where they discussed justice. Her father was intimidating, but the young man hadn’t backed down. Nessa loved his answer, and something about it especially resonated with her and her warrior upbringing.

[That’s all there really was for that video. Now, watch this one.]

A recording played, on what appeared to be a Prime Instance for a Dungeon Raid, based on the difficulty of the challenge. The twin demons were enormous, and from that alone would be a difficult challenge. She doubted Astalder could take their blows for mere moments, before being forced to swap with another warrior.

The many warriors fought in a coordinated effort, dozens of effects from various abilities striking the twin demon bosses at once. She watched the battle play out, with only 30 participants. The idea that five champions were involved would be a catastrophic difficulty range for Tartarus to use.

But the many warriors fought and carried out their roles without flaw. A wide array of abilities, of different talents and special energies, were on display.

All in all, Nessa was shocked at the power and coordination of all involved. Any of the warriors appeared to be a match for Astalder, an entire Dungeon Raid Battlegroup made up of elites.

In a Frontier Sector, she would expect such talent to only come from a Tier 3 world–having parents and trainers able to ensure their child maxed their skills, having the best strategies and skills through extensive heritage and research–thousands of years of progress.

But these were all natives or those from Tier 1 worlds, and they were quite the well-rounded group. Nessa spotted races from four or five different Origins, and they were fighting expertly together.

However, none of them compared to the five Champions. Nessa knew if she faced any one of them, she would be completely crushed. Avaron likely wouldn’t last but a mere moment, reality altering or not.

When the recording shifted to have static altering the recording as the boss powered up, her jaw dropped. Tartarus openly cheated, likely increasing the boss’s difficulty by half a Tier in power, yet they still defeated its plot. It was a close thing and hard to see due to the recording’s sudden drop in quality, but that final beam of flames…

Nessa thought she might have been able to create something similar in her previous vessel, but only with a significant sacrifice of her essence. She’d likely expend it all, losing her divine trait altogether–if she still lived at all when she was done.

She immediately looked further into the information crystal, and found additional details on the status of the guild. Six worlds changed ownership, and this was excellent news for the Sector. This Prime Instance and conquest was an immense success!

Nana interrupted her thoughts, [He’s on a Tier 2 world that is in its grace period, so you would need to request permission to meet him, it appears. Son-in-law says he’ll be going to Earth for its Integration, so if you wanted a chance to meet him in person sooner rather than later–]

“No. He reached the second Tier and became a Baron already, right? He’s already earned a Tier 2 world and two Tier 1’s, and I’m not yet ready to advance. Then, it’s nice that he may be a good match for me, but I am not yet a match for him and his family.”

[Oh? Despite being a daughter of a Divine and a Soul-Severing Realm cultivator? How… humble and mature of you. I do see that his mates are quite exceptional, and you are not yet their match. Then, he is already moving so far ahead of you, how do you intend to change that?]

“Regardless of his potential as a romantic partner, he has an extraordinary potential as an ally against evil and the unjust. I should already be trying to save and gather as many worlds under my banner as I can, as that’s the right thing to do. But now I simply have an additional motivation for doing so, for pushing myself to the limits of my Tier. You always told me I should seek for perfection, and even if his rise has been meteoric, the second Tier should take a long time.”

Nessa had originally planned to Tier up rapidly because the higher stage meant an overall greater impact in the grand game, but perhaps focusing on herself and gathering allies would be better. Both for her potential…love goals, and for her goals to bring justice to the evil festering in this Sector.

[Hm, playing the long game to attract a mate, is it? So you’ll collect some worlds of your own, then what? You’ll bat your eyes, wiggle your tail showing the brightness of your scales, and the size of your army, and hope he’s interested?]

Nessa groaned as she palmed her face. “Please, no more snake stuff–” Sᴇaʀᴄh the ɴøᴠel Fɪre.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

She felt a mental smirk come from Nana, [Did you not see his mates? None were fully of human appearance, having horns, scales, fur, or feathers. One was even half a snake. Their scales were quite impressive, you know–I can see why he chose them. Maybe you should lean into that as well, the blue scales of our ancestry are sure to attract attention. If you awaken your bloodline further, that might only make him more interested.]

Nessa wanted to roll her eyes, but perhaps she had a point. As it stood now, she was more than a little plain compared to his… mates. “… I’ll think on it. Focusing on and refining the bloodline will make me stronger too, right?”

[I’ve never let you down in that regard, have I? So, where to next? I’ll have to prepare a list of materials for you to purchase, to aid in your progression. You are not yet at the peak of Foundation Establishment, and if you want to form a perfect core, we need the best possible materials.]

Nessa searched her Menu, plotting out where she could both provide the most aid, but also find the most allies. Contacting her Head Administrator, she asked for them to contact Hearthtribe’s Administrator to find out what they could learn, to perhaps forge a limited alliance with them.

With what was happening with War, Glory, Profit, which was most certainly linked with Radiant Glory, Hearthtribe would need allies too. Ares and Loki did not like their game being tampered with, and the real guilds would soon follow at Tier 2 once their grace period was up.

The Tier 1 guilds were little more than schoolyard bullies and gangs, which was why it was so easy to recruit them. At the second tier, they would be far more organized and well-trained.

She smirked after she found just the place. “Another one of Radiant Glory’s subguilds got kicked off of a cultivator world, and it looks like it still requires aid. My restrictions have lessened now that I’m a Knight, allowing me to head there now. That’ll help me get resources and allies, right?”

Cultivator worlds were known to be exceptionally dangerous, even for Alliance members. It did happen with certain other natives, but cultivators were known to be outright hostile to Alliance members, and old monsters would often slay members of it.

Usually, one would imagine that the Alliance would be considered allies to the natives, and being outright antagonistic to them was uncommon. The enemy of your enemy is your friend, after all. Then, killing an Alliance member was pointless, as they would just be reborn–and they could target you back. Having an immortal as your enemy was a scary proposition, for most.

However, the number of times an Alliance member was just outright killed trying to help by a cultivator native, or trapped in some strange magic or ritual that functioned beyond their Tier was high enough that most of those under the Framework were prevented from entering the world directly.

The Framework would allow the natives to have their contest in their own way, altering the way the Conquest was participated in. Still, it appeared Avaron had his hands on extorting some of them, or perhaps were working together with them?

Thanks to being a Knight, she could now bring some of her more trusted. Then, since she was a cultivator with a unique bloodline, perhaps that could help her break the ice?

Nana’s attention was elsewhere, perhaps reading through the various information they received. [Yeah, sure.] She then murmured angrily, her voice barely audible, [That oafish son-in-law, how can he leave it up to me to find this child a compatible hearth of all things? That’s a near impossible task for an ice lake serpent!]

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