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I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years

I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years

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Sang Ze





Original Language:

Chinese Novel


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WuChen traveled toanew world, but heistrapped onJuly 7, 2020!

Heindulged himself, did all kinds ofevil things, ran away indespair, and even committed suicide hundreds oftimes inall kinds ofways. But when the day ends, everything goes back tothe beginning.

While getting stuck inthe repetitive days, hespent countless days learning and studying. And so, hehas mastered hundreds oflanguages and can communicate with 99,9% ofthe world’s population. Heisalso proficient inall mainstream musical instruments, arts, dancing, performances, shooting and martial arts… Infact, heiscomparable toamaster inany and every one ofthem.

Inthis way, helived for athousand years.

However, when anew day dawns and the sun rises asusual, the dateis… July 8, 2020!

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