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Living in a Class-Based World

Living in a Class-Based World

Rating: 5/5 from 1 ratings. Your Rating?







Original Language:

Japanese Novel


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When Yuuta wakes up, he finds himself in a new body with most of his memories intact. It’s a world with a man to woman ratio of 1:10,000, rebuilt from the ashes of the old world – our current, modern world.

Naturally, men are treated as precious by each country, and they’re provided everything they need for living. But that comes at a price. Men have obligations and they are but one cog in a society of females which follows strict rules and adheres to a harsh class-based ideology and traditions.

This story is similar to World End Harem in its underlying idea, but unlike the manga, it follows a violence-free approach, putting more focus on the system. It contains soft p*rn and later on s*x scenes, but no non-consensual s*x like r*pe or NTR.

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