ReLife Player
Chapter 24

[Now please stop]

A year had passed, and nothing had changed at Doan Kindergarten. The children would be entering elementary school next year, but they were still children.

«Pochi, I’m home! You missed your mommy, didn’t you?» S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ɴøvᴇlFɪre.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.


He was caught in the middle of the girls’ play.

No Eunha, 32 and 7 years old.

Currently, he was pretending to be on the verge of tears.

Damn, puppy.

Sleep-deprived from staying up late last night watching a broadcast about players, Eunha had been sprawled out in the corner of the kindergarten since morning.

There was no way Mr. Tayo would leave him like that. With a huge grin on his face, he tossed him into the midst of the girls playing small talk without a moment’s hesitation.

«Pochi, why are you crying?»

«Pochi, don’t cry.»

Wouf…, not crying?. Damn.

The girls of the Evergreen Pine class were notorious for their tantrums. Once the other kids in the class joined in for the fun, they were all over them. It was even a punishment among the boys to join the girls’ playgroup.

The number of times Eunha was forced to participate in their games was six, including the current one.

He held the record for the most among the boys in the Doan Kindergarten, and he had the pity and admiration of the boys.



His role today was a puppy named Pochi.

Because of the girls’ emphasis on thorough acting, Eunha had to sit like a puppy, whimpering whenever they spoke to him.

«Awwwww, good boy~»

«I don’t know where Pochi is good, you should leave that mongrel dog with no pedigree outside.»

That, that, that!. He’s using this as an opportunity to argue.


«What did you say? Do you want to be punished? Should I tell the teacher?»


I’m frustrated, but what can I do.

He’s a pochi now.

Minji’s role of pretending to eat seaweed soup is that of Kyushu, a western restaurant.

Her role has always been diverse, but with her strong personality, a wide range of acting was impossible for her. Unless it is a villainous role that can appear in other genres like now, she becomes Minji herself, whether it’s a husband, wife, grandmother, grandfather, or sister.

Kid, there won’t be any separate villainous roles if you just play yourself LoL

In the end, it was Minji who could only play villains. Eunha thought.

«Minji, you’re doing it again! Didn’t your mom tell you that you shouldn’t judge people by their looks? Pochi is so nice and eats well!»

This is from a girl who volunteered to play the role of a wife waiting for her beloved husband to return home. The actress, who was asked to play the role of a wife waiting for her beloved husband to return home, spoke a lot of words about how love is beautiful and how we shouldn’t judge people by their appearance, but it was not suitable for a child.

By the way, the husband’s role is a handsome man who inherited a venerable family for generations and entered a large company as a team leader in his 20s due to his parents’ connections and is now the chairman of a large company group.

I didn’t watch the k-drama, but I could tell that the k-drama was ruining the children’s dreams.

«Wouf, Wouf!»

I said, «Stop watching k-drama!»

The world you’re going to grow up in is full of monsters, and you’ll be too busy living alone!


I’m tired of yelling.

Just then, the girl playing the role of her husband walked in, and Eunha decided to leave quietly.

Goodbye. Pochi is leaving the house. Please don’t look for Pochi.

It’s okay, you’ll be fine without me, you’ve got plenty of money, Sayonara.

Eunha, who didn’t get much sleep last night because he was watching the show, decided to sleep in. Covering his yawn with his hand, he searched for a place where he wouldn’t be seen.

The reading corner was still a favorite spot for children.

Hayang was reading a book while sipping the barley tea she had brought from home.

«What are you reading?»

«Sherlock Holmes. I’m hooked!»

At least Hayang was a bit of an adult among the children in the class.

Her latest obsession was the Sherlock Holmes series. At the end of last year, after devouring all the books in kindergarten, she brought some solid books from home.

«It’s Sherlock Holmes’ memoirs? In the last one, he falls into a waterfall with Professor Moriarty and dies.»


UH, I’ve spoiled it for you.

It couldn’t be helped, Eunha told himself.

When someone is reading a story you know, you can’t help but want to keep talking about it.

It’s instinctive to spill the beans!

So feel it! Feel it! Accept it!

Despite being a strong self-defender, I had a similar incident at home a few days ago. Euna was watching a cartoon on the couch when he just couldn’t stop spoiling. He broke the mood during a crucial scene, and she didn’t talked to him until this morning.

«That’s too much. I haven’t even read it yet….»

Jeong Ha Yang’s eyes were shaking as if she was going to cry at any moment.

At this point, Eunha interrupted.

«Ahaha, sorry. I was like you too but I’m alive again thanks to the return of Sherlock Holmes…»

Just shut the fuck up.

He threw another spear to appease her. He quickly covered his mouth, but the water had already been spilled.

«Waa…. I hate you.»

There it was. Ha-Young’s attacks were the only ones that had an impact. The way she covered her eyes with both hands was not only adorable, but it also made his heart ache with guilt.

But I didn’t want to make more mischief, so Eunha apologized, «I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!» and ran away.

«Hehe! Do you really think you can block my sword?»

«Come on. Don’t cry later.»

«Bhopal Strike!»

«Bichuan sword type-!»

While the girls preferred to play with dolls and cubs, the boys were into sword fighting.

In the center of the class, the boys were engaged in a sword fight. Toy swords had recently become popular among children. Add to that the popularity of a cartoon about a character who participates in a death game. Some of the kids who were hooked were dressed in black.

«It was nothing. I spilled blood for nothing again today.»

In a boy’s world, when it comes to sword fights, they’re the hero and each other the villain.

So they tried to come up with fancy names and common swordplay to mark their victories and defeats.

One of the best sword fighters in the class was Eunhyuk. He’s very athletic and swings his toy sword around as if he’s trying to wipe the blood off the blade. He even pretended to put the sword back in its scabbard.

«Ugh…, I’m furious! I’ll see you next time!»

This is what a kid who loses a fight would do: take the loss as gracefully as possible, and then show room for a mature protagonist who will win next time.

But this line is a third-rate villain everywhere you look. You need to watch more comics.

Then Eunha made eye contact with Eunhyuk.

Something clicked, and Eunhyuk smiled.

«That’s good. I wanted to see who was the strongest in this class.»

Eunhyuk, who was still playing the hero, taunted Eunha.

What’s wrong with you. Gross.

Eunha was as embarrassed as Eunhyuk was unabashed.

Whether they realized it or not, the kids who were already in the middle of a sword fight were creating an atmosphere of «Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!»


It wasn’t just the boys. Even the interested girls were forming a circle around them.

At Eunha’s feet was the sword that the defeated child had dropped earlier.

«There can never be two suns under the same sky. Take that sword, and I’ll end your misery right here.»

Eunhyeok makes a grunting sound with his mouth, drawing out his fear.

Hah. That’s annoying.

Eunha wasn’t interested in children’s games, but he couldn’t resist laying down the board.

«Eunhyeok, defeat No Eunha! Defeat him and prove you’re the strongest!»

Bangjin and Sungjin cheered for Choi Eunhyuk.

«Kill No Eunha, who’s good with girls!»

Cheers from the boys who were envious of Eunha’s sister.

Hey, at least you guys hang out with me in the neighborhood.

You all seem to want me to lose, but did I do anything wrong? And if you want to get along with girls, you can join the playground!

«No Eunha!»

At least Minji, the girl next door, will cheer me on.

«Fuck you!»

Yes, this is the kind of girl you were. You’re so relentless, and I didn’t even want that.

Eunha turned around in disbelief.

Minji was making a throat-slitting motion with her thumb.

Oh, my God.

«I’m not exactly looking for cheers, but…. But I still want to see Hayang….»

«I hate No Eunha so much!!!»

Hayang, who had been spoiled and was in tears, shouted.

Eunha realized why they say a woman’s hatred is scary.

«…Yeah. Life is meant to be lived alone.» (E/N: lol)

There was no one to cheer him on.

He wasn’t disappointed.

Even before the regression, he was living on his own.

I’m not disappointed! No Eunha, who was called the «undead» who can’t die, would be disappointed by the words of a bunch of kids. Really.

Eunha picked up the sword at his feet.

Once I’ve decided to do this, I’m going to show them that I’m capable of shutting them up.

I’m not going to leave you all alone.

«Ha! Are you too scared to even come?»

The game began.

Eunhyuk sneered at Eunha as he pointed his sword at him, and Eunha remained silent.

«…Okay. If you won’t come, I’ll go first. Don’t regret it later. My sword kills dragons.»

Eunhyuk lowered his upper body and put his foot forward.

«─I’m coming.»

Starting with his left foot, Eunhyuk ran. Spreading his arms like a bird, he dove in and swung his sword.

Feeling unable to stop the boys from engaging in a sword fight, Mr. Tayo cautioned them to never hit themselves with the sword.

So no matter how hard Eunhyeok swung his sword as he ran at full speed, the curve of the sword was bound to end in Eunha’s sword.

Knowing this, Eunha was not nervous about Eunhyuk’s sword. He parried the attack from the side and slashed at Eunhyuk’s sword.

Even if it was a child’s prank, he had no intention of letting it go.

If you raise a sword in your sleep, you have to slash.

Eunhyuk’s sword flew through the air, spun around, and fell to the ground.

The battle was lost. It was so clear that Eunhyuk could no longer bluff.

Eunha walked past Eunhyuk as if nothing had happened. He then swung his sword, wiped the blood off the blade, and made a gesture of tucking it into his left waistband.

Eunhyuk let out a belated grunt and dropped to one knee. All he can do now is take defeat in style.

Eunhyuk gave off the vibe that he hadn’t used all his power yet. He coughed up blood and fell to the ground.

I haven’t used all my power yet. Hearing such nuances, Eunhyuk made a gesture of coughing up blood and collapsed to the ground.

«…It was a good match.»

To end the game, even the winner had to say something memorable at the end.

Eunha said whatever came to mind, and the connection was complete. Lying on his back on the ground, Eunhyuk shuddered in frustration at losing the game.


«It’s No Eunha, you’re really good at this!»

«I thought you were wielding a real sword!»

«It’s all thanks to us that Eunha is like that! If he didn’t play with us, his acting skills wouldn’t be so good!»

«So you guys should play with us too!»

«Boys, run away~!»

«Mi, Minji, is this what they call heart-pounding…?»

«Heh, heh, you guys are getting all excited over a knife prank.»

The mood quickly changed from booing Eunha.

Sigh, but their attitude of not doubting my victory as if flipping over a palm is unfair.

Yeah, you guys will do well in society.

«Eunha, teach me swordsmanship too!»

«What kind of swordsmanship are you using, you’re way cooler than my Aincradrew!»

«Eunha, which character do you like! The redheaded swordswoman who uses a non-Tenkaichi sword!»

«No, it’s Blackie! That was a Blackie move!»

«Eunha you can pull Excalibur! What are you guys doing, go get Excalibur!»

The boys were more boisterous. They wanted me to teach them how to sword, they wanted to know what cartoons were based on swordplay, and finally, they wanted to know who owned the toy sword called Excalibur, so they could have a sword fight to see who really owned Excalibur.

The sword they named Excalibur was a pretty cool sword. The hilt was golden and shiny, with toy jewels all over it. And there was something romantic about the chains at the end of the hilt.

«You can do this!»

«Oh my God, you can see the moment I draw Excalibur!»

In this mood, I might as well pull it out. haha…haaa….

Sighing loudly, Eunha grabbed Excalibur, which was stuck in a pile of blocks the kids had hastily made.

With a clink and a rattle of chains, Eunha drew Excalibur.

«The promised sword of victory! Eunha has drawn Excalibur!»

«It’s No Eunha-king!»

Now that I’ve hung out with you, if you’ll let me go….

But Eunha wasn’t released from the boys, and the battle between him and Eunhyuk was secretly watched by kids from other classes.

Eunhyuk’s battles were secretly watched by children from other classes.

Before he knew it, he was the leader of the class war.

Boys started asking him to teach them how to use a sword.

Inevitably, he’d give them a few demonstrations, and they’d get so excited that they’d praise him….

As the situation continued, Eunhyuk, who had ceded his position as the strongest to Eunha, continued to wear the toy sword to and from kindergarten.

«I’m not good enough…. I’ll get stronger.»

From then on, Eunhyuk could often be seen wielding the sword with his fists balled up like a protagonist in a boy’s manga.

That sparked boys’ romance. Carrying a sword has become a trend among boys.

The children who would be entering elementary school next year were too young and too small.

«Eunha, why aren’t you wearing Excalibur?»

Now please stop…!

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