The Bounty Hunter
Author's Note

Hello to the one or two people who are bored enough to read this!  This is my first story, which I hope will be entertaining enough for those looking to waste some time.  I am not a writer, just an avid reader of web fiction who finally got an itch to try writing it.  English is my first language, so I put in an extra effort to make sure the story is readable but it won’t be perfect.  My writing style is a work in progress so the story, dialogue, etc. may be a bit clunky at times but hopefully it will still be mildly entertaining.

Although it is tagged mature, I would prefer to describe it as “mature lite”.  There is violence, adult themes and sexy times but I don’t go into a lot of graphic detail.  There are also some elements of tragedy and gender bender in the story.

The protagonist is reasonably OP at the start, but it is due to a combination of natural talent and years of development rather than a sudden power-up.  Although there might be the occasional power-up or two in the story, I tried my best not to overdo it.  The adversity he faces is on a level where it is not always an easy win though, so he will have his struggles.  The story will be in first person, and although there will be multiple point of views (POV) it will mainly be from the MC’s point of view.

This is an original work, but I am sure one will be able to see influences from various popular stories present.  Feedback is welcome, even if it is negative, although do try and be gentle with your words.  I am always open to improving my writing so don’t hesitate to comment.  The goal is to average a true 3-star rating or higher, so no matter if you think it is a 1-star or 5-star rating please rate! 

Lastly, in case anyone is actually interested in me continuing this story, I would like to warn everyone that I am a believer of the binge release.  I will not promise updates daily, weekly, or even monthly.  I am a medical student so I will have little to no time to regularly update.  However, if and when I do update I will put up an entire arc of the story at once.  My story will have at least 3 arcs for certain upon completion although additional arcs may be added depending on where the story ends up going and feedback from readers.  Thank you for reading and enjoy!

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