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The Celestial Returned From Hell

The Celestial Returned From Hell

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Korean Novel


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Earth, the land that the constellations were aiming for.

Hunter Choi Yeonseung decided to start special training to stop the constellations that want to monopolize Earth. His training location was the Abyss, a space where time flowed infinitely slowly. However, Choi Yeonseung was suddenly caught up in a magical storm and had to face the harsh Abyss head-on.

Choi Yeonseung went through unprecedented and infinite practical training throughout the Abyss and discovered a clue to be the first human to become a constellation.

The hard-working hunter, Choi Yeonseung, was reborn safely as a constellation.

Will he be able to save Earth, which is destined to fall prey to the constellations?

The hard-working, overpowered martial artist, Choi Yeonseung! The path he walks on to become the first human constellation!

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