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The Rebirth of Evelyn Knox

The Rebirth of Evelyn Knox

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English Novel


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Evelyn never thought she would get asecond chance inadifferent world after her brutal murder. She never thought there would come aday when she would not belooked down upon bypeople she could never hope tocatch upto. And she definitely never thought she would get achance tolive ahappy life— orwhat seems like it.

«Nomatter what comes myway, I’ll roll throughit! There’s noway I’m letting asecond chance gotowaste! Istill owe some 'favors' that need toberepaid, after all!»

Even ifEvelyn was surprised when she popped out ofanegg, orwhen she realized that this world was full offantasy elements, orwhen she learned that the situation ofher family was far from what she had imagined, she remained cool and collected. She had asystem and aclear plan, afterall! But will everything really goaccording toher plan?

«Itdoesn’t matter! I’ll change the plan when needed, okay?!»

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