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A Martial Odyssey

A Martial Odyssey

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Chinese Novel


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«Itissaid that when amartial exponent reached the highest state ofdivinity oftheir arts, they are able totranscend into Celestials, overcoming the limitation oflife and death. And asCelestials, they have toovercome seven celestial divinity, Genesis, Enlighten, Emotion, Transverse, Seventh Sense, Crisis and Ascend inorder totranscend tothe Heavens.»

AMartial Odyssey isanepic quasi-fantasy/wuxia fiction, ofayoung man YiPing ashebraved untold dangers inthe martial fraternity. The powerful Honor Manor rules the Orthodox Martial Fraternity, yet there are other equally mysterious martial clans that are outside the influence ofthe orthodox fraternity; like the Eternal Ice Palace, the Virtuous Palace and the Celestial Palace.

When the Celestial Fairy ofthe Eternal Ice Palace isrumored topass away, itimmediately attracted the attention ofnumerous exponents that undertake the perilous journey tothe Heavenly Mountains for the martial secrets ofthe Eternal Ice Palace.

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