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A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

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English Novel


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Can you get used to dying? Not really.

When a particular universe was born, its seven primordial Concepts acquired an ego. Omniscient and omnipotent, they seek since to enrich their home. To do so, they plunder other universes, capture young civilizations and plagiarize ideas. Many monsters, gods, civilizations, and races are competing for the eighth throne.

Eons later, it is Earth's turn to be torn away from its Sun.

Humanity begins its integration by participating in a Tutorial. Priam has the luck and the misfortune to finish the Tutorial first. Luck because his reward is a form of pseudo-immortality. Misfortune, because as the champion of his civilization, he is transported to Elysium, the most dangerous world created by the Concepts. Nine out of ten champions lose their lives there on their first day. Fortunately for Priam, he has many lives.


3 Chapters a week; Wed-Sat-Sun

What to expect:

Weak to (very) strong.

A protagonist who will invade worlds.

Realistic battles

Skills based on my scientific knowledge


A human hero, neither too nice nor cruel and clever. He can make mistakes, but not twice.

A vast world and realistic characters on which I worked a lot.

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