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Agent of the Realm?

Agent of the Realm?

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English Novel


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IamSeria, the goddess oflife and death. Iwas fathered byChaos and born byOrder. Iamthe first ambassador who leaves the realm ofDedessia tomake contact with the other realms.

Dedessia isaharsh place, aplace inwhich even immortals, demons and gods struggle tosurvive. Nonetheless, wecarved apath for ourselves and created agreat kingdom. Something tobeproudof. Iamtheir representative and the first tomake contact with the other realms.

Can you imagine mysurprise when they greet mewith afireball tothe face? Me, the one who governs life and death?! Well, mywrath should bethe least oftheir fears. They should hope that myparents never pay them avisit. But until that happens I’ll play alittle…

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