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Beneath the Dragoneye Moons

Beneath the Dragoneye Moons

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English Novel


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Elaine isripped from this world toPallos, aland ofunlimited possibilities made real byagrand System governing classes, skills, and magic.

Anideal society? What isthis, afantasy novel?

Adventures? Right this way!

AGrand quest? Nah.

Friends and loot? Heck yes!

Humans are the topdog? Nope, dinosaur food.

Healing and fighting? Well, everything istrying toeat her.

Join Elaine asshe travels around Pallos, discovering all the wonders and mysteries ofthe world, trying tofind aplace where she belongs, hunting those elusive mangos, all while the ominous Dragoneye Moons watch her every move.


Hey! Beneath the Dragoneye Moons is my first writing effort, so please be kind, but don’t hesitate to point out the flaws.

The story starts off slowly, more like a slice of life than action-adventure, but it gets there!

I’m going to be posting M-W-F

I do know how the story ends, and I promise if it ever gets dropped, or I stop doing this, I will post the ending. There will be no random “this is the last chapter” out of the blue.

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