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Billionaire Defiant Wife

Billionaire Defiant Wife

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English Novel


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Since childhood, she was trained tobeaperfect wife tothe Billionaire heir, Evan Howel. She loved him and adored thisman. People around them often said she’s his dog and nomatter how she’s badly treated byhim inthe past years ofbeing married, she would keep coming back tohim meekly. She tried toseduce him several times but she failed tosleep with him and being kicked out ofhis bed.

Someone had plotted tokill her bypushing her into the water that almost took her life. When she woke up, she became adifferent woman heused toknow. She sneered and gave her husband adivorce agreement.

Evan Howel offered five billion for their 3 years ofmarriage ascompensation. She felt disgusted and declined his generosity. Hebegan tothink about why she changes into astrong woman and dare toprovoke him.

Herealized that hecan’t let goofhis beautiful wife who suffered somuch for how many years. Hewanted her tostay and heplayed asex videotape ofthem inasilent mode before whispering into her ear: «Ifyou don’t tear upthe divorce paper, Iwill unmute this video and let the whole world know about it!». She was shocked tosee the video oftheir intimate moments that happened because ofthe drug given tothem.

She’s ready toleave him but her devil husband won’t let hergo. Would she change her mind after what hehad done toher? Would she give upherself again out oflove? Could she win over the struggle and conspiracy plotted byEvan’s grandfather?

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