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Brave Soul of Evil Supremacy

Brave Soul of Evil Supremacy

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Leonar D





Original Language:

Japanese Novel


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The protagonist is reborn in the world of the game he loved so much – [Dungeon Brave Souls]. However, he was reborn not as a hero who adventures with the heroine while flirting with her, but as a villain who steals the heroine and drives the world to extinction.

Why in the world should he be reborn as a villain who ruined his favorite game? The protagonist is in despair, but he still decides to live his second life freely, using his knowledge of the game. However, the reality is not as good as he expected. Events that should not have happened in the game, scenario changes happen one after another…!

The villainous character crushes both the demon king and the heroes. A heroic tale of evil supremacy!


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