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Burglar System: Stealing Ancient Dragon God Bloodline from the Very Start

Burglar System: Stealing Ancient Dragon God Bloodline from the Very Start

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Chinese Novel


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William, a university student, awoke to find that he had transmigrated to a world where the gods were warring against each other.

In this place, demonic creatures roamed, angels and demons fought, while the gods captured and slaughtered one another. Here, mages possessed noble rank, sacred swordsmen looked down upon the earth, intimidating all beings.

Humans here believed in various gods and could connect with countless powerful divine spirits, obtaining their very own innate godly abilities. Though William himself had awakened the lizard bloodline which was of the lowest rank, he activated the Burglar System which could steal any innate talent, fortune, emotion, or weapon belonging to any being in this world, and fuse it into himself to level up!

At the very start, he stole an Ancient Dragon Bloodline to gain an immeasurably powerful body, making him peerless in short-range battles, not to mention that his dragon breath and dragon language spells would lay waste upon all things!

Element [Primordial Thunder] stolen. Fused and leveled up to [Ancient Thunder Dragon]. Heavenly Retribution learnt, controlling natural disasters and standing judge upon all, slaying the gods with ease.

Element [Radiant Origin] stolen. Fused and leveled up to [Sacred Six-Winged Dragon]. Heal, Bless, Faith learned, providing salvation to all and taking in disciples from across the world.

[Immortal Phoenix Blood], [Scorching Flames], [Chains of Destiny], [Sword in the Stone], [Silver Key], [Eye of Jörmungandr]… As countless talents were freed from the restraints of rules and fused into brand new talents, William belittled the god and ascended to the throne amidst Ragnarok, reigning forever!

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