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Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

Cultivation: When you take things to the extreme

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Chinese Novel


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Having crossed into the Immortal Cultivation World and finding himself at the very bottom, struggling to survive, Xu Yang discovered he possessed a special golden finger. As long as he persisted in any single activity, he could gain the power to transform the decayed into the miraculous.

Eating: Stabilize the Foundation and Cultivate Essence, strengthen the body, extend lifespan…

Sleeping: Nourish and accumulate energy, be as vigorous as a dragon or a tiger, Eternal Youth…

Breathing: Turtle breathing technique, a tide of vitality, Qi Moves Mountains and Rivers…

Walking: Travel a thousand miles in a day, shrink the land beneath you, rival mountains in your speed…

No matter if it was the common myriad activities or the Hundred Arts of Cultivation, as long as one was persistent, they could reach the pinnacle of refinement.

With this, Xu Yang evolved from a humble fisherman into the strongest ever known, revered as the Ten Mile Sword God!

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