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Damn Necromancer

Damn Necromancer

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Action, Fantasy, System





Original Language:

Korean Novel


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[From the Author who bought you "I Regressed to My Ruined Family."]

"Gate Hunter," a virtual reality game based on the modern hunter genre.
In that game, Kim Woojin overwhelmingly ranked No. 1.

〈You have exceeded our standards and shown potential.〉

[Notification: The final stage, Stage 6, has been unlocked!]

With that message, he finds himself reincarnated as the son of a wealthy Chaebol within the game. But there's a catch—he possesses no physical talent, only boundless wealth and a terrible body.

‘Fortunately, there's a solution.’

In this world, a master's talent doesn't limit their summons, and equipment can be augmented. And the class capable of summoning the most powerful allies is…

"Necromancer, isn't it?"

Say goodbye to the poor necromancers!
A true Chaebol Necromancer has arrived!"

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