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Dungeons Online

Dungeons Online

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English Novel


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«Hello, sir. Are you cashing out orleveling up?»

Dungeons Online was the first game that cracked the system. Let nerds earn bynerding, and they will nerd forever. And Dungeons Online did just that.

Noobs turned into middle-class workers. Pro-players turned into celebrities and multi-millionaires.

And there wasTom. Likely, the only top ranker that lived off the scraps and cat-food. Acourtesy ofhis father that went and disappeared, leaving Tom with just enough money tosurvive until his graduation. Until the day where the option ofcashing out would appear.

Dungeons Online. Agame where developers never shared asingle bit ofinformation. Agame where the death ofone’s avatar ispermanent. Agame that can turn abeggar into alord just asquickly asturning acelebrity into nobody.

But where does all this money comes from? How isitconnected tothe unnatural disaster that all governments across the world buried any informationoff? And how isthis all connected toTom’s missing father?

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