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Femdom Island

Femdom Island

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Original Language:

English Novel


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Nikol didn't think that his life would end on that day.

He was invited by his elder sister to go on a cruise vacation. Since it was a request from her he couldn't reject it.

During this vacation, Nikol fell from the boat and died protecting his sister from an attacker, at least that's what he thought but he felt something pulling him from the ocean giving him a nostalgic and warm feeling.

When he opened his eyes there was a figure, that he could easily identify but at the same time, she was quite different from what he remembered.

“My son, Welcome back”

It was the last thing, he heard before he lost consciousness again.

When Nikol opened his eyes again, he was amazed to see a dense forest around him filled with greenery.

At that time, he didn't know that this land was called Femdom Island for a reason.

Come and Join Nikol to find his fate, in this unknown land.

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