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Genius Archer's Streaming

Genius Archer's Streaming

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Mung Mung Kim


Action, Adventure





Original Language:

Korean Novel


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Yoo Sang-hyun, once the youngest champion in a national archery competition and a highly promising talent, saw his dreams shattered by a tragic accident that rendered him unable to handle a bow ever again.

Now, as a fallen prodigy, he faced the additional setback of being fired from the company he had joined. In order to make a living, he took on the persona of Almond and embarked on a new path as a game streamer.

[You have selected a bow]

Swish! Thuk!


“Are bosses supposed to be defeated in a single shot?”

His exceptional talent once again shines through!

28 years old. High school graduate. Unemployed.

Specializes in archery.

Returning as a streaming genius, he sets off on an entertaining journey of rebellion!

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