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Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

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English Novel


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Having unexpectedly transmigrated into an immortal world, he found himself a core disciple of a renowned sect.

Yet, Jiang Chen's destiny was to play the part of a villain, fated for calamity. He schemed against the protagonist, shattering his dantian and relegating him to the status of a sect outcast teetering on the edge of expulsion from the mountain. Had it not been for fate's intervention, Jiang Chen would have served as nothing more than a stepping stone for the protagonist's ascent.

Upon recognizing his predicament, a cunning grin spread across Jiang Chen's face.

'Is the protagonist formidable? Undoubtedly!'

'But shall I quiver in terror? Never!'

'For I wield the Immortal Great Villain System!'

'Hold on, there are multiple protagonists?'

"Heh, isn't that even better?" Jiang Chen's chilling laughter echoed through the air, 'As a Great Villain, I shall rise to the pinnacle of infamy and seize my rightful position!'

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