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Her Kindergarten is Full of Villainous Students

Her Kindergarten is Full of Villainous Students

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Original Language:

Chinese Novel


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[System] + [Cub] + [Gourmet] + [Supporting Female Character] + [Livestream]

Shen Wei bound herself to a super kindergarten system and returned to her villainous childhood period.

The future computer genius who would destroy the world was currently just a stubborn little darling suffering from domestic violence.

The future renowned autistic painter who would later commit suicide had not yet been molested by her stepfather.

The future highly intelligent criminal with an antisocial personality disorder was currently fighting dogs for a meal—everything could still be remedied.

Shen Wei found each of these children one by one and brought them back to the kindergarten, nurturing them with care.

After going live on the internet, the kindergarten became a hit!

"Which kindergarten teaches high-level math and calculus?"

"The kindergarten cafeteria serves a full imperial feast for lunch? It's still early, let me sleep a little longer."

"Did I see that right? The kindergarten's game room has the most advanced games on the market. Um, are they accepting 300-month-old babies?"

Before long, everyone flocked to it like a craze.

The once most high-end bilingual kindergarten in the city, which was previously deserted, now left the principal tossing and turning all night: "She must be insane!"

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