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I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce

I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce

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Chinese Novel


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Dewitt, known as the Iron Marshal, is now on the verge of death. Just when the whole empire thought he was not going to survive, a small fox came down from the sky. The little fox was so powerful that it woke up the Marshal who had been in a coma for a month with one paw. If Wen Jin knew that the price of his paw was to become the Marshal’s fiance, he would refuse, because the legendary, ferocious Marshal was a well-controlled villain, only touching his fluffy body every day.

Wen Jin: You’ve had enough, I’m going bald!

Dewitt: Ten more minutes.

Wen Jin: Not a minute longer!

Dewitt: Then let me kiss you.

Stupid and lazy fox x black-faced Marshal meet in a world full of Zergs and war. Follow this intergalactic tale as they begin to trust and depend on one another.

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