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I Let You Manage the Beast Taming Arena, Now Everyone Became Divine Beasts?

I Let You Manage the Beast Taming Arena, Now Everyone Became Divine Beasts?

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Iced Cola





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Chinese Novel


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Giles transmigrated to a world where everyone practiced beast-taming, and he was adopted by the owner of a beast-taming arena from a young. However, Giles could only run errands and do basic chores since he didn’t have any talent for beast-taming.

One day, the arena owner had to go on a long trip, so he entrusted Giles with the management of the arena.

Faced with a bunch of baby beasts waiting to be fed, the inexperienced Giles could only tell them about the stories that he’d heard from his past life. [Pet Beast Guru Duck finished listening to “The Ugly Duckling”, evolved into an “Eight-winged Swan Beast”!] [Pet Beast Beetle Bug finished listening to “Godzilla”, evolved to learn “Ultra Heat Beam”!] [Pet Beast Lil Ape finished listening to “King Kong”, evolved into an “Invincible King Kong Beast”!] [Pet Beast Green Haired Dog finished listening to “Greek Mythology”, evolved into a “Cerberus”!] Even that rock pet beast in the corner.

After listening to Giles telling the story of “Journey to the West”, the rock split open and evolved into the Ancient God-tier pet beast, “Heavenly Sage Sun Wukong”!

When the arena owner returned, he was stunned, I told you to take care of the arena, and you trained them all to become Divine Beasts?!

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