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I Reject Quests

I Reject Quests

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Original Language:

English Novel


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Rewen Klofar was an uninteresting ambitionless young blacksmith whose only purpose in life was lead a carefree life. However, fate wasn’t exactly kind to him.

One fateful night, he was thrown into a modern day post-apocalyptic Earth. Taking over the identity of a young man having similar name and looks, he also gets several systems.


«Reaching the apex is not the only goal I can strive for.»

«Protecting myself and my close ones is not the only goal I can strive for.»

«Understanding good and evil is not the only goal I can strive for.»

«Defying the system is not the only goal I can strive for.»

«I can strive for anything… but what good would it be if I first don’t strive to understand myself?»

«Why do I care so much?»

«Who am I?»

«Am I just another hollow person whose ego boosted because of foreign power?»

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