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I Swear I Won’t Bother You Again!

I Swear I Won’t Bother You Again!

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Soratani Reina





Original Language:

Japanese Novel


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Violette, driven mad with jealousy towards her half-sister, committed a crime. However, she ultimately regrets ever committing such atrocity from the bottom of her heart while lamenting inside her prison cell. But fate was fickle, time rewound to the day she met her younger sister—the day she succumbed to insanity.

Violette returned to the past, a time before she committed the crime, where she reached a conclusion.

This time, there will be no irreparable mistakes. Without ever committing a crime and bothering anyone, she will live a life she thinks she deserves, an ordinary, plain, and inconspicuous life. Free from incarceration. Free from guilt.

Oh, but tweaking a portion of the past and going off-script for a bit to avoid that crime wouldn’t hurt anybody, right? Right, it will even benefit everyone? No one will know anyway, it’s not as if someone’s watching her anyway… Or so she thought, because for some reason, things are heading towards a very weird direction.

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