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Kidnapped by the Heroine: I! The Villain, Was Forced to Sleep With Her!

Kidnapped by the Heroine: I! The Villain, Was Forced to Sleep With Her!

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Chinese Novel


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The story follows Su Yu, who mysteriously finds himself trapped in a poorly written urban harem novel. With the system dictating his actions, he must kill the male and female leads in order to gain ultimate power and become the ruler of the world.

Despite his best efforts in his previous five lives, the system always found a way to deny him his rightful place. Fed up with the system’s endless games, Su Yu decides to abandon his murderous ways in his sixth life and instead embraces a life of luxury as a wealthy heir.

However, his peace is short-lived when he is unexpectedly kidnapped by the cold and aloof CEO, Gu Qingcheng, on the day of his rebirth. Little does Su Yu know, this is just the beginning of his tumultuous journey in this twisted world.

He soon finds himself faced with difficult choices, as he is presented with tempting offers from those who seek his power and those who want to be involve in his life. As Su Yu navigates this strange landscape, he must confront his past actions and decide what should he do with these out of the plot heroines.

[Note: This is a solid wish-fulfillment novel, not with serious plot-line.]

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