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My Evolution Starting from a Giant Tree

My Evolution Starting from a Giant Tree

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Chinese Novel


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Hewas reborn asawillow!

Before Lin Meng could get used tothe familiar but also strange environment, agreat era for the resurgence ofspiritual energy started. Spiritual energy resurged. Everything inthe world flourished… Ferocious beasts roared. Mountains and rivers were shaken.

Strong people swept in, intending tobreak this world into pieces.

However, bythen, awillow rose from the ground and shaded the sky and thesun. The willow could evolve incessantly. Its fruits could endow others with spooky theurgies. The spiritual energy itgave off could nourish ferocious beasts.

Inthe sky, the three important elements were dominating.

Onthe ground, the nine divine beasts were snoozing…

Some people called methe Tree ofthe World— Yggdrasill and worshiped meday and night. Some people called methe Ladder toHeaven, which held upthesky. Ofcourse, more people called methe Divine Tree, the Tree ofCurse, the Tree ofDemon, and the like…

But they always held meinawe.

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