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My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse

My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse

Rating: 4.5/5 from 1 ratings. Your Rating?




Game, Action, Adventure





Original Language:

Chinese Novel


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William Hunter was a young high-school student who was constantly bullied and made fun of by the people around him.

Suddenly, one day, everyone was given a system and transported into a parallel apocalyptic world filled with powerful hordes of zombies, wrecking havoc on everyone and everything. Even with systems, most people struggle to survive.

[You have received the ???-rank system, Minion Controller]

[You have received 1x Woodcutter Minion and 1x Warrior Minion]

[You can buy more minions in the Shop]

What was this?

[Your Woodcutter Minion has collected 21 wood, it is now level-2]

As other people struggled to survive. William would be able to create an army of minions and take over this hellscape

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