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Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

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Original Language:

Chinese Novel


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A Young woman dies on her trip to Japan in the most anticlimactic way possible, buried by a pile of manga, light novels, and even lewd doujin after an earthquake. In her last moments, all the wishes she has suddenly become reality and materialize in all sorts of Special Abilities before she finds herself reincarnated into a corpse!

Wait... Why is the corpse not moving? No matter how much she tries, it doesn't move, she's not even a zombie or something!

Wait... Why is she stuck with the unmoving corpse? The corpse is actually not part of her anymore!

Wait... Why is she not a physical being? Her hands are translucent, and so is her entire “new” body!

“Ah... I am a ghost?!”

Accompany Maria as she survives as a ghost in a brand new and unwelcoming world, raises her own skeleton as her friend, and seeks the truth behind her second life’s death and how exactly she turned into a ghost.

Not only will she have Phantasmal Powers and Dark Magic, but even the ability to raise her own Undead Army! Will anything be able to stand before her path for revenge?

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