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Shepherding Humanity

Shepherding Humanity

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Chinese Novel


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During the ancient tribal era, the world was vast and inscrutable.

Through constant exploration, the ancients were horrified to discover that God walked the land. The Wise Beast stood ten-thousand-feet tall, trampling mountains and shattering the earth.

Hundreds of years later, in that dangerous environment, mankind triumphed against the giant beasts and finally built the glorious Sumerian civilization.

On that day, the Wise Beast suddenly descended, trampling over mountains and rivers and destroying the entire nation. The land and the sky crumbled. Cities collapsed.

Has God descended to punish men for their sins?

“I’m sorry, but you’re just ants living in my yard. You’re all over the place, and I accidentally stepped on you while passing by. That’s all there is to it.”

This is the story of a slightly disappointing Creator and his hyper-competent creations.

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