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Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse With My Military System

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Original Language:

English Novel


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Zombies suddenly appear all over the world, spreading rapidly in crowded cities. Within a day, national governments collapse all around the world, leading to chaos worldwide. Law and order vanish, making people fear both zombies and each other. Despite the zombie threat, groups form and fight over the limited resources.

But, amidst all of that, a man named Richard received a system that allows him to summon troops, military equipment, weapons, and vehicles. With his newfound power, he can protect himself, his comrades, his kin, and other survivors from zombies and rival factions.

A rampaging Goliath? Unleash Warthogs, AC-130s, and Apaches in the sky.

Mutant flying zombies? Establish anti-air defenses.

Juggernauts shrugging off small arms? Deploy Abrams tanks and IFVs.

Rival factions raiding? Let them face our might.


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