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Systemless Villain

Systemless Villain

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Original Language:

Chinese Novel


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Opening his eyes, Long Tian finds himself in a scene where he's beating up a protagonist.

He's confused, until a deluge of foreign memories assaults his mind, leading him to a chilling realization: He has died... and transmigrated.

But there's a problem - he's become a villain!

At first, he's okay with this. But the more time passes, he notices something.

Why doesn't he have a system?!

This worries him. Going up against a protagonist without a system feels like a suicide mission.

But of course, he doesn't lose hope. He looks at his own identity.

The young master of an ancient family, check.

Rich and good-looking, check.

A genius with extraordinary talent, check.

Awakened the martial spirit of a dragon king, check.

With all of these, does he have any reason to complain?

“Goddamn protagonist, I will make you suffer!”


Harem or not? I haven't actually made a decision about that. Let the storyline unfold, and we'll see in the future.


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