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The Duke's Eldest Son Escaped to the Military

The Duke's Eldest Son Escaped to the Military

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Original Language:

Korean Novel


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Lee Junghoo died in a car accident. He braved each and every hardship in Jaiden’s body in hopes that he would survive once he cleared the game of the gods, but just when the Empire’s strongest family was about to fall and be killed by the monsters…

[The Beta Test has been completed.] Based on these words, it seemed like he still had another chance.

1 Stop the destruction of the continent.

2 Survive until the age of 35.

He was given these two main quests. He had tried to finish the first one during the beta test. However, he realized that there was no solution to this problem. So this time, he was going to pick the second.

And the first step for him to achieve this was to leave this crazy family of his.

“Maybe the answer is running away from home?”

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