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The Great Core's Paradox

The Great Core's Paradox

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English Novel


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Atiny snake with great potential. The sole creation ofthe Great Core. That was who Iwas. That was what Iwas.

Itwas just us, the Great Core and I, tucked away inour little corner ofthe World Dungeon. Together, wehid from the bad-things and the Coreless ofthe world outside— safe from the horrors that would consume us.

Until, one day, the Coreless foundus. Until they tried tosteal away mycreator. Until, with noother option, Iswallowed the Great Core that had made me.

Only after that did Ibecome what Iwas always meant tobe.

Atlast, Ibecame the Great Core’s Paradox inmore than name.

[The Endless Cycle] began.

Thus begins the story ofalittle snake zealot and his journey togreatness.

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