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The Newt and Demon

The Newt and Demon

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Original Language:

English Novel


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Earth is dying. The sun is expanding at an uncontrollable rate, but Theo Spencer is alright with this. He's led a deplorable life as a government assassin, spending his days removing political opponents in far-off lands. When the end comes, a mysterious entity grants him the gift of reincarnation. The gift of a quiet life as an alchemist.

Theo awakens in a small town in the southern reaches of a small kingdom in a non-human body. Broken Tusk doesn't seem like much, but his legendary alchemy skills will soon turn their fortune.

Join Theo on his journey to turn the swamp-town of Broken Tusk into a prosperous trade town.


This story contains no romantic elements, no combat, and no bad vibes. From the start, to the finish, it's all alchemy all the time.

Schedule is m-w-f.

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