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The Reincarnated Wizard Who Will Eventually Become the Strongest

The Reincarnated Wizard Who Will Eventually Become the Strongest

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Iida Eisei _





Original Language:

Japanese Novel


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‘Since I’m in a different world, I have no choice but to aim to be the strongest!’

Sam is a boy who was born into a noble family after being reincarnated into another world with memories of his previous life. He was born into an aristocratic family, and although he comes from a family of swordsmen, he is banished from his family because he has no talent with the sword. However, Sam has a rare talent as a wizard in this world!

‘If I can’t use a sword, I’ll use magic to become the strongest in the world!’

On his way, he has a fateful encounter with the self-proclaimed “Genius Wizard” Ur Scheidt.

Ur notices the magical talent that lies dormant within Sam and takes him as her disciple, saying ’I’ll train you.’ Sam and Ur lead a harsh but fun life, but one day their adventures come to an abrupt end…?!

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