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Tragic life of the Prince

Tragic life of the Prince

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Original Language:

English Novel


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Ralf, a transmigrator from Earth, finds himself amid a power struggle for the throne of the Kingdom of Marer when the King falls ill.

His brothers are all vying for the position of the next king, with only the victor surviving while the rest are killed.

As the competition heats up, the princes become increasingly ruthless, willing to sacrifice anything to gain the upper hand, even their women.

But with so much at stake, can he trust anyone, even those closest to him?

As the battle for the throne intensifies, Ralf must grapple with his moral compass and decide what kind of ruler he wants to be.

Will he follow in the footsteps of his brothers and sacrifice everything for power, or will he forge his path and create a better future for the Kingdom of Marer?

I know many of you would run away by seeing the NTR tag but even if you don't like NTR, I still urge you to read it as this story is different, you will understand once you check it out.

Just remember, There is no Mc in this story, it's a bunch of characters who are fighting for the throne and are ready to sacrifice anything for it.

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