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Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

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Chinese Novel


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What happens if a villainous playboy gangster is reincarnated into another world?

Lin Feng: Wang Jian! How dare you capture my childhood friend and mess around with her?!

Su Xian: I-I am with him willingly.

Lin Feng: N-No way. You are lying. There is no way you would wear that maid dress otherwise!

Wang Jian: It's not just her.

Before Lin Feng could understand what he meant, in front of him appeared several women, all dressed in maid outfits. Upon seeing these women, his anger rose dramatically.

Many of these were women who used to love him dearly. There was his fiances, teacher, cold princess, the immortal fairy and many other beauties.

However, Lin Feng was just the first protagonist who suffered at Wang Jian's hands. The game had just begun as Wang Jian's wicked desires knew no bounds.

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