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Why Are You Crying? Because I Married Your Mom After You Broke up with Me?

Why Are You Crying? Because I Married Your Mom After You Broke up with Me?

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Chinese Novel


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Xu Wenping was forced into a blind date by his mother with a stunning CEO, Su Yurou, who was ten years older than him but still had a breathtaking figure and appearance.

The two quickly fell in love, and everything seemed to be going well until they ended up in bed together. That was when Xu Wenping saw a photo of two women in Su Yurou’s room—one was Su Yurou and the other was his ex-girlfriend from college!

Xu Wenping asked, “Dear, who is this woman?”

Su Yurou replied, “She is my daughter… oh wait, our daughter!”

Xu Wenping was speechless.

When the three of them met, Xu Wenping said with righteousness, “So what? You broke up with me, and now I’m marrying your mother. Why are you crying?”

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