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Shroud Arcanum

Shroud Arcanum

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English Novel


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[Live Fully, Leave No Regrets!]

[Warning: Contain Gore!][No Harem!][Have Romance!]

[MC is neither a Hero nor a Villain.]


Growing up amid hardship and loss, Liam's life was a continuous struggle. Determination became his driving force after his father mysteriously disappeared and his mother's untimely death.

However, even he did not foresee what fate had in store for him. One day, a mysterious package arrived. Inside was a magical quartz pendant that turned his life upside down.

From an ordinary human, he became an Ascendant, wielding power over the elements. Fire, water, earth, wood—it was just the beginning.

As he embarked on a journey through veils of mystery and realms beyond his wildest dreams, a revelation unfurled before his eyes.

Aliens are real, and the circumstances surrounding his mother's death are entangled in a complex web of secrets and deception.


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